Fee Chart

Landlord fees Fees or Charges (inclusive of vat unless otherwise stated)
Lettings Service Fee Including marketing, using portals and newspaper advertising, accompanied viewings and offer negotiations 4 weeks rent.
If your weekly rent is £250, your 4 weeks rent would amount to £1000.00
Discounted Letting Service Fee 2 weeks rent.
If your weekly rent is £250, your 2 weeks rent would amount to £500.00
Tenancy Set Up Including producing the tenancy agreement, completion of paperwork, tenant referencing, registration of tenant’s deposit and arranging pre-let works 5% of the annual rent payable
Rent Collection Including rent collection, arrears collection, accounting & renewal negotiation. Subject to a minimum fee of £60 per month where the rent is lower than or equal to £700 per month 8% of rent payable
Full Management Including property maintenance, property visit, service of notices, deposit negotiation together with all services applicable under rent collection.
Subject to a minimum fee of £80 per month where the rent is lower than or equal to £700 per month
Extension Set Up Production of extension tenancy agreement
12% of rent payable
Management Takeover Setup Fee
Instruction of another agent during sole agency period – Administration Fee
Withdrawal from a tenancy having instructed Brick square Ltd to proceed – Administration Fee £300.00
Paper copies of statements of account
Tax retention and completion of documentation for HMRC
£3.00 per month
£30 per quarter
Administration Fee for the provision of NRL gross annual income and expenditure statement to HMRC
Provision of a statement showing gross income and expenditure for the year
Negotiations of deductions from deposit or flatbond (not fully managed)
Deposit scheme of flatfair dispute submission (where fully managed but expressly instructed not to conduct an inventory)
Attendance at court/tribunal £100 day/part thereof
Service of notices Administration Fee (Section 8 or 21) included for full management service £150.00
Change of Sharer Fee £120.00
Extra property visit £32.00
Wait at property for landlord appointed contractor appointment £60 per hour/part thereof
Key Cutting Administration Charge £20.00
Payment to a bank account held outside of the United Kingdom
Licensing Application Fee Where a landlord requires a HMO, Additional or Selective Licence for the property (N.B. This is an application service only and does not result in brick square becoming the licence holder for the property).
£50 per payment made
Rent Confirmation for Mortgage Provider Letter Fee
Gas Safety Administration Fee - Arrangement of gas safety certificate where one is not provided at the commencement of the tenancy – Administration Fee
Rent Administration Fee Where a landlord chooses to terminate our service, but rental payments continue to be made to Brick Square - Administration Fee (the landlord is responsible for informing all parties that rent should be directed to new agent). £50 per payment made
Rent and Legal Protection
Inventory Fee (subject to property size and furnishings)
3.98% of rent payable inc IPT
up to £400 inc vat
Tenants costs of moving and renting Fees or Charges (inclusive of vat unless otherwise stated)
Holding deposit In order to reserve the property 1 weeks rent
The Rent As agreed for the property and specified in the tenancy agreement
Security deposit or
flatfair Membership Fee Where a tenant opts to use the security deposit replacement scheme
Change of Tenancy Fee Redrafting tenancy agreement referencing new tenant(s) re-registering the deposit and producing prescribed information notice
Subject to agreement
5 weeks rent
One Week’s Rent plus vat (subject to a minimum fee of £162.00)
Early Release Charge If a tenant wishes to end their tenancy outside of the agreed terms, they are required to cover the loss incurred by the landlord as a result of the early termination
Late Payment of Rent Fee Where a rental payment is significantly delayed a fee will be applied
Landlord costs of re-marketing and setting up a new tenancy Either the Landlord Letting Service Fee or Discounted Letting Service Fee and the Tenancy Set-Up Fee as listed above
Interest of 3% above the Bank of England base rate on balance due each day.
Key Replacement Fee Where a tenant requires a replacement key or security device for their property Up to £30 per key
*All prices are exclusive of VAT unless expressly stated otherwise. Brick square Properties is a trading name of Brick square Ltd
(Registered in England and Wales no 12250399 ) Registered office: Suite 101, 344-248 High Road Ilford IG1 1QP